
Posted on: Thursday, 8 May 2014

A Personal Post | I Want To Be Friends

When creating my blog I had to decide whether I wanted to incorporate it within my already existing social life or whether I felt better keeping it private. I opted for the latter and set up a new twitter account which I linked to my blog/bloglovin etc. 

I know a lot of people will think that it was a really ridiculous idea and possibly accuse me of being fake because my 'blog' life is totally separated from my 'usual/old' life. However this really isn't the case. My blog and my new twitter account completely reflect my true personality and character and the real reason I decided to keep my blog separate was because I was worried about how people I know from school etc. may actually judge or criticise my blog. Again I'm sure people will take this the wrong way and say that I should be proud of my blog and not take any notice of those that want to judge or criticise and that is completely right. I am so proud of my blog and I grow to love blogging more and more every time I publish a new post, however the very sad truth is that I just didn't have the courage to overcome my insecurities and publish my blog all over my personal twitter account. 

Anyway, sob story over, I just wanted to say to all of you that I do have a twitter account and I'd be so grateful if you could head on over to it and give it a follow. I feel like twitter is by far the easiest way to keep in touch with fellow bloggers and followers and hardly any of my lovely blog followers actually follow me on twitter which makes it really hard to communicate with you guys! 

I don't want my blog to just be something other people can browse around and read, I want it to become a very social aspect of my life and would love nothing more than to be able to become closer with my followers and readers from the blogging world! Eventually I hope to actually shut down my personal twitter and incorporate it all onto this account, which is the one linked to my blog, however that's for the future! 

Thanks so much everyone! 
Paige x 

Follow me here!


  1. I totally understand what you say! My blog is new and I have another account on instagram, no fb or twitter as I wanted to keep it away from those people you describe. Definetely this is the REAL us and after creating the instagram account for the blog, I haven't used the other one, because I don't care anymore to be "accepted" by people who may make fun of my blog! Everyone who makes fun of someone/something is insecure himself, maybe feeling not good enough and tries to hide it by making fun of others. No worries, your blog is lovely and so is you! <3

    1. I couldn't agree with you more, thank you for your kind words Diana x

  2. Completely get where your coming from Paige! I started my blog in March, just as a platform to get myself out there and to actually become more confident etc. I felt the negativity from people I already know (from school etc.) would just make the experience more difficult for me, and make it so I couldn't enjoy writing about what I love, so I too have separate accounts. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks these things haha! Really nice post! :) Lilly xx

  3. I feel the same and think it's up to the individual what they do with their blog! Great Post! xox

    1. Kayleigh thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one x


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